12 fascinating statistics about pet ownership in America, Europe and Asia

Pet ownership is a common practice around the world, with millions of people sharing their homes with furry, feathered and scaly companions. But how common is pet ownership and what are the trends? In this blog post, we'll take a look at 12 fascinating statistics about pet ownership in the Americas, Europe and Asia.

Human hands hold a dog and a cat


America: According to the American Pet Products Association , 69 million households in the United States have a pet, equal to 85 million households.

Europe: The European Pet Food Federation  estimates that 85 million households in Europe have pets, with dogs being the most popular choice.

Asia: The China Pet Products Association (CPPA) reports that 62 million households in China have pets, with cats being the most popular choice.

Ownership of exotic animals

America: According to the US Fish and Wildlife Service, there are approximately 9.3 million exotic animals in the United States.

Europe: The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) estimates that there are more than 10 million exotic animals in Europe.

Asia: The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) estimates that there are more than 1 billion exotic animals in Asia.

Pet expenses

America: APPA estimates that Americans spent $103.6 billion on their pets in 2020.

Europe: FEDIAF estimates that Europeans spent €20.6 billion on their pets in 2020.

Asia: CPPA estimates that Chinese pet owners will spend ¥249 billion on them in 2020.

Pet Ownership Trends

The popularity of pet ownership is increasing worldwide.

More and more people decide to have several pets.

The tendency to own exotic animals is growing.

Pet ownership is a popular practice worldwide and the trend is growing. Owning a pet has many benefits, including companionship, improved mental and physical health, and reduced stress levels.
