Common pets cause thousands of hospitalizations with injuries

Pets such as dogs, cats and rabbits give us unlimited love, joy and sincere support. However, in addition to pleasant moments, they can also cause injuries that require medical attention. In this article, we will examine the statistics of hospitalizations related to pet injuries in America and Europe, the types of injuries that occur most often, and the opinions of doctors on the matter.

The man holds the dog's mouth with his hand. The dog seems scared and the man has a serious expression on his face. A group of people are standing around them, watching the situation.


United States: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are approximately 865,000 dog bite-related injuries that result in emergency room visits in the United States each year. Of them, 44,000 require hospitalization.

Europe: The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) reports that around 500,000 pet-related injuries occur in Europe each year. Of these, 20,000 require hospitalization.

Types of injuries:

Bites: The most common pet-related injury is a bite. Dog bites can be serious, especially in children, and can lead to lacerations, infections and even rabies.

Scratches: Scratches from cats can also be dangerous because they can lead to an infection, also known as "cat fever."

Allergic reactions: Some people are allergic to animal dander, which can cause symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, itching, and difficulty breathing.

Falls: Falls from or onto an animal can result in fractures, dislocations, and other serious injuries.

Doctors urge pet owners to be

be careful and take precautions to prevent injuries.


Train animals

Socialize animals

Do not leave small children unattended with animals

Vaccinate animals in a timely manner

Proper care of animals


Pets give us a lot of joy,

but it's important to remember that they can too

be a source of injury.

Taking safety precautions and

being responsible towards their own

furry friends

we can minimize the risk

injury and enjoy

happy and safe

