Estonia's Bold Move to Offshore Wind Energy: Economic Boom or Fiscal Folly?

Estonia is a small country with big ambitions: to become a leader in offshore wind energy. The country has already made significant progress towards this goal, with several large offshore wind farms operating or under construction.

The photo shows the wind power plant from a bird's eye view. Windmills are located in a field surrounded by trees and blue sky.


There are several reasons why Estonia is investing heavily in offshore wind energy. First, the country has a strong commitment to renewable energy. Estonia aims to produce 100% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2030. Offshore wind energy is a key part of this strategy.

Secondly, Estonia has a favorable coastline for the development of offshore wind energy. The country has a long coastline with relatively shallow waters that are ideal for offshore wind turbines.

Third, Estonia has a skilled workforce and a strong research and development sector. As a result, the country is well positioned to become a hub for offshore wind innovation.

Specialists' opinions:

There are differing opinions on Estonia's offshore wind energy strategy. Some experts believe it's a smart investment that will help the country meet its renewable energy goals and create jobs. Others are concerned about offshore wind's high cost and potential environmental impact.

Company and project price:

The cost of offshore wind energy is still relatively high, but is expected to decrease in the future. The Estonian government provides subsidies to help make offshore wind more affordable.

Estonia's offshore wind energy strategy is a bold move that could have a significant impact on the country's economy and environment. It's too early to tell if the strategy will be successful, but it's certainly worth paying attention to.

Estonian Wind Energy Association read here.
