Blue Origin is reviving space tourism

Blue Origin's New Shepard rocket takes to the skies during a suborbital flight.

Blue Origin, the private space company founded by Jeff Bezos, has announced that it will resume space tourist flights on its New Shepard suborbital spacecraft after a nearly two-year hiatus. This event marks an important step in the development of space tourism, as it makes access to space more accessible to a wider range of people.

The last flight of New Shepard with passengers on board took place in December 2022. After this flight, flights were suspended due to a shipwreck in September 2022.

Since then, Blue Origin has conducted a thorough investigation of the accident and made the necessary changes to the design of New Shepard. The company also successfully launched the unmanned New Shepard in December 2023.

New Shepard flight with passengers on board expected in early 2024. This time, six tourists will be on board the ship, including the oldest person to ever travel in space.

The resumption of New Shepard flights is positive news for the space industry. This shows that Blue Origin is confident in the safety of its ship and is ready to continue the development of space tourism.

In addition, the New Shepard flights could provide a springboard for future planetary exploration. Blue Origin is already developing plans to further develop New Shepard, including using it to send humans to the moon.

Will Blue Origin become a leader in planetary exploration? This is a question that has yet to be answered. However, there is no doubt that the company has ambitious plans for its future.
