Cut plastic by 40%: UN talks fail

Rwanda and Peru have come up with an ambitious proposal to reduce global plastic production by 40% over the next 15 years. The proposal was presented at the UN Environment Conference in Nairobi, Kenya.

A beach littered with plastic waste is a reminder of the devastating effects of plastic on the environment as UN talks to cut emissions fail.

The purpose of the proposal is to solve the problem of plastic pollution, which poses a serious threat to the environment and human health. Plastic pollutes soil, water and air, and harms animals that ingest it.

However, negotiations on the proposal failed due to opposition from rich countries such as the US, China and Japan. These countries argue that reducing plastic production will have a negative impact on their economies.

Despite the failure of the talks, Rwanda and Peru said they would continue to lobby for the proposal. They called on other countries to join them in this important cause.

Reducing plastic production is an important step towards solving the problem of environmental pollution. It is important that all countries of the world cooperate to achieve this goal.
