Ancient ocean in Mongolia

Millions of years ago, our planet looked completely different. The continents were in different places and the climate was much warmer. One of the most interesting discoveries about the Earth's past is the existence of an ancient ocean that once covered part of modern Mongolia. This ocean, known as the Mongol-Okhotsk, was formed by a process called mantle plume activity.

An illustration of the ancient Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean in Mongolia, teeming with marine life.

Mantle plumes

A mantle plume is hot rock rising from the Earth's mantle. These plumes can rise through the mantle and crust, eventually reaching the surface. When they reach the surface, they can cause a variety of geological phenomena, including volcanoes, earthquakes and the formation of new continents.

Mongolian-Okhotsk Ocean

The Mongolian-Okhotsk Ocean existed approximately 410-415 million years ago, during the Silurian period. It was located on the territory of modern central Mongolia, the size of which is approximately the size of the Caspian Sea. The ocean was formed as a result of the upwelling of the mantle plume, which caused the earth's crust to stretch and thin. This created a rift valley that was later filled with seawater.

Influence of the Mongolian-Okhotsk Ocean

The Mongolian-Okhotsk Ocean had a significant influence on the climate and life of that time. The ocean helped regulate Earth's temperature and provided a habitat for a variety of marine life. The ocean also played a role in the evolution of some of the first land plants.

The disappearance of the Mongolian-Okhotsk Ocean

The Mongolian-Okhotsk Ocean finally disappeared due to the movement of the Earth's tectonic plates. Over time, the plates that surrounded the ocean moved together, causing the ocean floor to sink under the crust. This process is known as subduction.

Discovery of the Mongolian-Okhotsk Ocean

The Mongolian-Okhotsk Ocean was first discovered in the 1980s by Mongolian geologists. However, it was only in the 2000s that the full scale of the ocean was understood. This happened thanks to the work of an international group of scientists who studied the geology of the region.

The value of the Mongolian-Okhotsk Ocean

The discovery of the Mongolian-Okhotsk Ocean is of great importance for a number of reasons. First, it is evidence of the existence of mantle plumes in the past. Second, it helps us understand the evolution of Earth's continents and oceans. Thirdly, it gives an idea of the climate and life of the Silurian period.

The Mongolian-Okhotsk Ocean is a striking example of the dynamic forces that shaped our planet. Its discovery helped us better understand the history of the Earth and the processes that continue to shape it today.
