Contactless tribe of Amazons: hoax or real discovery?

In June 2023, a group of Peruvian researchers made a startling discovery: an uncontacted tribe lived in the remote Madre de Dios region of the Amazon rainforest. The tribe, which is estimated to number about 200 people, has never had contact with the outside world.


The researchers were surveying the area when they noticed a group of people walking through the woods. People were in traditional clothes and had bows and arrows in their hands. Explorers tried to make contact with the tribe, but the people fled into the jungle.

Territory of the tribe

The tribe's territory is located in a remote area of the Amazon rainforest protected by the Peruvian government. The area is home to a variety of plants and animals, and this tribe is believed to have lived there for centuries.


The discovery of an uncontacted tribe has sparked a debate about whether it is ethical to contact them. Some people believe that the tribe should be left alone to live peacefully. Others believe that it is important to make contact with the tribe to learn about their culture and way of life.

The future of the tribe

The Peruvian government said it would not attempt to contact the tribe. However, the future of the tribe is uncertain. The Amazon rainforest is under threat from deforestation, climate change and other factors. It is possible that the tribe will be forced to leave its territory in the future.

The discovery of the uncontacted tribe is a reminder of the diversity of human cultures and the importance of protecting the Amazon rainforest. It is also a reminder of the ethical dilemmas that arise when we come into contact with people who are different from us.
