Space Cadet review: Emma Roberts blasted into lazy streaming

Space Cadet Liz V. Garcia Rex (Emma Roberts) is a party girl who gets a chance to redeem herself when she was accidentally selected to participate in NASA's astronaut training program. Despite having no qualifications or experience, Rex is determined to prove herself and make the most of this unique opportunity.

However, Rex quickly realizes that she is not up to it as she struggles to keep up with the rigorous training and challenging tasks. Her fellow interns, a group of those with Ivy League degrees and years of experience, look down on her and don't believe she has what it takes to be an astronaut.

Against all odds, Rex is determined to prove them wrong. She studies hard, trains even more and never gives up on her dream. Along the way, she also begins a surprising friendship with her training instructor, Commander Marsh (Cary Elwes), who sees her potential and believes in her.

In the end, Rex's hard work and determination paid off. She successfully completes the training program and gets a place in the ranks of NASA's best astronauts. She also learns that she can achieve anything she sets her mind to.

Space Cadet is a predictable and formulaic comedy that offers nothing new or original. The idea of the film does not inspire, the characters are forgotten, and the jokes are wasted. Roberts is charming as always, but she can't save the film from its own mediocrity.

If you're looking for a silly comedy to watch while washing or folding clothes, then Space Cadet is worth checking out. However, if you're looking for something more than that, then you'd better look elsewhere.

Overall, I give Space Cadet 2 out of 5 stars.

Here are some additional things to look out for:

The film was praised for its positive message about following your dreams and never giving up.

Some critics found the film funny and touching.

Others consider the film formulaic and unoriginal.

Ultimately, whether you like Space Cadet or not will come down to your personal taste. If you're a fan of light-hearted comedies with a positive twist, you might enjoy this. However, if you're looking for something more challenging or thought-provoking, you're better off skipping this one.

I hope this review is helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.
