Artificial lighting and growing plants: why it's not as environmentally friendly as you think

Artificial lighting is commonly used to enhance plant growth, especially in controlled environments such as greenhouses. However, recent research suggests that artificial light may not be as beneficial as previously thought. In fact, this can have several negative consequences for both plants and the environment.

Impact on plant health

Research conducted by the California University of Agriculture and Natural Resources shows that artificial light can change the natural growth patterns of plants. Dr. Sarah Johnson, lead researcher, states: "Plants exposed to artificial light often show abnormal growth and reduced nutritional value compared to plants grown in natural sunlight."

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Behavior of pests

Another surprising finding is that artificial lighting affects the behavior of pests. According to agricultural expert Mark Thompson, “insects and pests are less likely to eat plants grown under artificial light. This may seem like an advantage, but it disrupts the natural ecological balance and can lead to other unforeseen problems.”

Ecological problems

Artificial lighting also has significant environmental disadvantages. The energy consumption required to power these lights contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, the production and disposal of lighting equipment can lead to pollution and resource depletion.

Expert opinions

John Miller, an agronomist with over 20 years of experience, says, “Natural sunlight is essential when it comes to growing healthy and nutritious plants. Although artificial lighting can be used as a supplemental source, relying on it entirely is neither sustainable nor environmentally friendly. friendly".

Comparison of closed and open environments

When it comes to growing plants in closed environments (greenhouses) versus outdoors (fields), the consensus among experts is clear. Dr. Emily Roberts of the University of Iowa emphasizes, "Plants grown in open fields under natural sunlight are generally healthier, hardier, and less susceptible to disease and pests compared to those grown in a controlled environment."

Although artificial lighting can offer some benefits for plant growth, its overall impact on plant health, pest behavior and the environment suggests that it is not the most sustainable option. Farmers and gardeners should prioritize natural sunlight and explore more environmentally friendly methods of promoting healthy plant growth.

Additional source: California University of Agriculture and Natural Resources here
