Komodo Dragons: Living iron with razor-sharp teeth and armored skin

Komodo monitor lizards, the largest living lizards, are often referred to as living iron due to their incredibly strong physical properties. These apex predators have teeth that are almost as hard as iron, allowing them to tear apart their prey with ease. Their skin is covered with bony plates called osteoderms, which create a natural armor that protects them from injury.

Veterinarians have long studied these fascinating creatures, uncovering details about their excellent sense of smell, which is far more advanced than that of many other animals. This keen sense of smell allows them to detect carcasses many kilometers away, making them effective hunters.

It is interesting that the formidable attributes of Komodo dragons have attracted the attention of military researchers. The idea of replicating their armored skin and powerful bite mechanisms for use in military hardware is being explored, potentially leading to innovations in protective gear and weaponry.

Understanding the evolutionary history of Komodo dragons also provides insight into their unique characteristics. Descendants of ancient reptiles, these creatures have retained traits that have helped them survive and thrive in harsh environments.

Source: National Geographic  Komodo dragons
