Switzerland introduced new EU sanctions against Russia

On August 21, 2024, Switzerland announced its decision to join the 14th package of EU sanctions against Russia. This step underscores Switzerland's continued commitment to international efforts aimed at countering Russia's actions in Ukraine and beyond. The Swiss Federal Council confirmed that these sanctions  will enter into force on August 27, 2024.

The new sanctions package focuses on several key areas. In particular, he tightens restrictions on Russian diamonds — a critically important sector of Russia's export economy. These measures were coordinated at the international level to ensure a unified approach by Western countries. In addition, the sanctions extend the deadlines for Swiss companies to divest their investments in Russia, allowing them to exit the Russian market in a compliant and orderly manner.

The Swiss government has indicated that it will continue to review a broader set of EU sanctions and may take additional measures in the near future. This constant alignment with EU policy reflects Switzerland's role as a cooperation partner in the international community's efforts to overcome geopolitical tensions and support Ukraine.


Switzerland joining EU sanctions is a significant step in global efforts to put economic pressure on Russia. By increasing restrictions on Russian diamonds, which are a high-value export, the sanctions aim to affect Russia's economic stability and its ability to finance its ongoing conflicts. Extending the deadlines for Swiss investments is a pragmatic approach to ensure that businesses can comply without undue disruption.

The move also underscores Switzerland's strategic position in global diplomacy. Despite its traditional stance of neutrality, Switzerland is increasingly participating in international sanctions regimes, signaling a shift in its foreign policy toward closer alignment with its European partners.

It is expected that when these sanctions come into effect, they will contribute to broader economic pressure on Russia, further isolating it from the global financial system and strengthening the position of the international community against its actions in Ukraine.
