The cost of living in the EU is rising: where do people pay the most?

The rising cost of living is a major concern for over 90% of Europeans, and many households are feeling the pressure as prices continue to rise. Official figures shed light on this growing concern, highlighting the regions where residents pay the most and how they manage those costs.

Understanding the cost of living crisis in the EU

Household costs across the European Union are rising rapidly - EURONEWS , with housing, utilities and food leading the way. In 2022, housing, water, electricity, gas and other types of fuel accounted for the largest share of household expenses - 24.1% of the total. These significant expenses are followed by food costs as families struggle to keep up with rising prices.

Copenhagen: high costs, high quality of life

Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, stands out as one of the most expensive cities in Europe. The city is known for its high standard of living, but it comes at a price. Residents pay an allowance for housing, utilities and household items. Despite the high costs, Copenhagen's quality of life remains a key attraction, with its robust social services, excellent healthcare and vibrant cultural scene.

Where do people pay the most?

Apart from Copenhagen, several other European cities have seen a sharp increase in the cost of living. Cities in countries such as Luxembourg, Switzerland and Norway are also among the most expensive. These regions, while offering a high quality of life, require residents to budget carefully to maintain their standard of living.

Why are costs increasing?

The cost of living in the EU is rising due to a combination of factors. The main culprit is inflation caused by economic disruptions, energy shortages and global supply chain problems. In addition, ongoing geopolitical tensions in Europe have contributed to uncertainty, pushing prices even higher.

As the cost of living continues to rise in the EU, households are forced to make tough decisions about managing their spending. While some cities, such as Copenhagen, offer a high quality of life that justifies the costs, others struggle to keep up with skyrocketing inflation. Understanding these trends is critical for policymakers and citizens alike as they navigate these challenging times.

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