Traveling with pets in Europe: from rainy England to sunny Mediterranean coast

Traveling through Europe with your pets can be an exciting adventure, offering a variety of experiences from the rainy landscapes of England to the sunny shores of the Mediterranean. Here's a comprehensive guide to help make your trip safe, enjoyable and memorable.

1. England

Main destinations: London, Lake District, Cornwall

Travel Tips: England is known for its pet-friendly accommodation and parks. Make sure your pet is comfortable in the often wet and cool weather.

Cost: The average price for a pet-friendly accommodation ranges from $80 to $150 per night.

Vet tip: Bring a raincoat for your pet and keep them warm during the colder months.

2. France

Main destinations: Paris, Provence, French Riviera

Travel Tips: France offers a variety of pet-friendly cafes and hotels. Make sure your pet is used to public transport as it is widely used.

Costs: The average pet-friendly accommodation costs between $100 and $200 per night.

Vet tip: Make sure your pet has a comfortable carrier for long train journeys.

3. Italy

Main destinations: Rome, Tuscany, Amalfi coast

Travel Tips: Italy is very pet friendly, especially in the countryside and coastal areas. Make sure your pet stays hydrated during the hot summer months.

Costs: Average pet-friendly accommodation costs range from $90 to $180 per night.

Vet tip: Carry a portable water bowl with you and make sure your pet doesn't overheat.

4. Spain

Main destinations: Barcelona, Madrid, Costa del Sol

Tips for travelers: Spain's warm climate is ideal for outdoor activities with your pet. Be careful with the hot pavement in the summer.

Costs: Average pet-friendly accommodation costs between $80 and $160 per night.

Vet tip: Keep an eye on your pet's paws to prevent burns from hot surfaces.

5. Greece

Main destinations: Athens, Santorini, Crete

Tips for tourists: Greece offers great beaches and historical sites. Make sure your pet is protected from the sun.

Costs: The average cost of accommodation with pets ranges from $70 to $150 per night.

Veterinary advice: Use pet sunscreen on sensitive areas such as the nose and ears.

General pet safety tips

Health check: See your vet for a pre-travel health check.

ID Tags: Make sure your pet is wearing an ID tag with updated contact information.

Pet Passport: Check pet travel requirements for each country, including vaccinations and documentation.

Comfort: Bring your pet's favorite toys and bedding to make him feel at home.

Food and water: Bring enough animal food and a portable water bowl.

Additional resources

Pet Travel - European Union
