Evangelical diplomacy: a new strong player in US-Ukraine relations

In recent years, evangelical diplomacy has become an important component of the geopolitical landscape, particularly in the context of American-Ukrainian relations. Continuing the fight against Russian aggression, Ukraine found an unexpected ally in American evangelical circles. As well-known evangelical leaders advocate for Ukraine, Kyiv is building strong ties with both Republican and Democratic leaders in Washington.

Why evangelicals matter in US politics

Evangelicals have significant influence in US politics, particularly in the Republican Party. In the 2016 and 2020 elections, a significant portion of former President Donald Trump's voters identified as white evangelicals. These voters often support candidates who align with their values, including religious freedom, conservative politics, and a strong national defense. As a result, Ukraine is strategically working with these religious leaders to ensure continued US support.

To learn more about the role of evangelicals in US politics, visit the Pew Research Center.

Strategic evangelical partnership of Ukraine

Ukraine's appeal to US evangelicals is not a coincidence, but a deliberate move to strengthen ties with influential American voters and leaders. Through initiatives like Kyiv Global Outreach, Ukraine has engaged American lobbying firms to spread the voice of its evangelical communities to a wider American audience. These efforts are led by prominent figures such as Stephen Moore, who heads the Freedom for Ukraine project, which unites Ukrainian evangelicals with US political and religious leaders.

This form of "quiet diplomacy" has proven to be highly effective. Evangelical leaders such as Harry Marks recognize that conservative Republicans see Ukraine's struggle for freedom as aligned with their own religious and political values. Thus, evangelical leaders played an important role in advocating for increased US military and financial aid to Ukraine.

The Trump factor: a divided position on Ukraine

Despite such evangelical influence, former President Trump expressed dissatisfaction with the current support for Ukraine. During a recent speech, Trump criticized Kiev's constant requests for help, saying: “It never ends. I will solve this before I take the White House." His words reflect a growing divide among Republicans, with some, like Trump, questioning the extent of U.S. involvement, while others, swayed by evangelical messages, remain committed to supporting Ukraine.

The influence of evangelicals outside the party

While evangelicals have a strong presence among Republicans, their influence also extends to Democratic lawmakers. Ukrainian evangelicals entered the political arena, making sure that both sides understand the importance of supporting Ukraine. Kyiv Global Outreach helped build bipartisan support by highlighting the moral and ethical implications of Russia's invasion, appealing to deeply held American values of freedom and democracy.

Personal Opinion: Can Evangelical Diplomacy Tip the Scales?

In my opinion, the role of evangelical diplomacy in relations between the USA and Ukraine is an interesting development that can shape future geopolitical strategies. As an unconventional form of diplomacy, it uses deeply held religious beliefs and moral convictions to influence political decisions. The success of Ukraine's work with evangelists shows that in today's complex world, diplomacy can take different forms. It remains to be seen whether this approach will maintain or increase US support for Ukraine, but it is clear that it is already influencing discussions in Washington.

Conclusion: Why Evangelical Diplomacy Matters Now

As the war in Ukraine continues, the efforts of evangelical leaders to rally support for Ukraine may prove to be a decisive factor. Through quiet diplomacy, they ensure that the moral narrative of the struggle in Ukraine resonates with American voters, especially the conservative Christian base. Whether that will be enough to sustain long-term US support remains an open question, especially as political figures like Trump express growing disillusionment. One thing is certain: the influence of evangelical diplomacy is a force that cannot be ignored.
