The surge of the far-right in Germany: consequences for Europe and Ukraine

The recent surge in far-right political  influence in Germany, particularly in Thuringia, marks a critical shift in the post-war political landscape of the country. The Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, often criticized for its extreme nationalist and anti-immigration stance, won almost a third of the vote in Thuringia. This significant political shift is not only a domestic concern, but has profound implications for the wider European context and beyond.

The AfD's victory in Thuringia, their first regional election since World War II, is alarming for many reasons. Notably, this demonstrates the growing disillusionment with the established political order and the rise of nationalist sentiments that could destabilize the political and social balance in the region. The change drew sharp criticism from various sectors, including Holocaust survivors such as Charlotte Knobloch, who warned that Germany risked becoming "more unstable, colder, poorer, less safe and less worth living".

The potential threats associated with the rise of the AfD extend beyond Germany's borders. Such developments may have serious geopolitical consequences for Ukraine. The AfD's strong anti-European stance and commitment to Russia-friendly narratives raise concerns about the party's influence on German foreign policy, particularly its support for Ukraine amid its ongoing conflict with Russia. If the AfD gains further influence, Germany's support for Ukraine may decline, weakening European unity on sanctions against Russia and support for Ukraine's sovereignty.

In addition, an AfD victory could strengthen separatist sentiment in Eastern Europe and beyond, as it reflects a broader trend of rising nationalism and right-wing populism across the continent. This shift could provide political cover and ideological support for pro-Russian elements in countries such as Ukraine, exacerbating internal divisions and complicating efforts to achieve peace and stability in the region.

The economic implications are just as troubling. A less stable Germany under the influence of the far right could lead to a weaker euro, increased financial volatility and a potential rise in defense spending at the expense of economic and social development. Such a scenario would not only affect Germany, but could also have ripple effects across Europe, affecting trade, investment and economic cooperation.

In summary, the rise of the AfD in Germany is not only a domestic political event, but also a significant one with far-reaching implications for Europe and beyond. For Ukraine, the potential of decreasing German support and increasing Russian influence is a direct threat to its sovereignty and security. Thus, the international community must closely monitor these developments and remain vigilant in upholding democratic values and stability in Europe.

Personal opinion:

The rise of the AfD is a cause for concern, requiring a proactive response from both German society and the wider European community. While the AfD's rhetoric resonates with some segments of the population, it is imperative to address the underlying issues of disillusionment and socioeconomic disparity that fuel its rise. However, this should not come at the cost of sacrificing the democratic values and principles that underpinned Europe's post-war peace and prosperity. Unity and vigilance are needed to counter extremist ideologies and ensure a stable, secure and prosperous future for all Europeans.
