Christianity and Science: Conflict or Coexistence?

For centuries, people have debated whether Christianity and science are at odds. Some argue that scientific discoveries challenge religious beliefs, while others view them as complementary. But can faith and reason coexist?

Does the Bible contradict science?

The Bible offers spiritual truths, not scientific explanations. For example, the book of Genesis poetically describes creation, while science provides detailed insights into cosmology and evolution. Several verses emphasize the pursuit of knowledge:

Proverbs 25:2—“It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; the glory of kings is to search out a matter.”

Romans 1:20—“For the invisible things of God from the world’s creation onward are clearly seen, being understood from the things that have been made.”

Human, Christian, and Scientific Nature

Humans are naturally curious. Science seeks to understand how the universe works, while Christianity explores why it exists and what our purpose is. Some scientists, such as Isaac Newton and Francis Collins, were deeply religious, arguing that faith and reason could be reconciled.

Notable Conflicts and Resolutions

Galileo vs. Church. Galileo’s work, once condemned for his heliocentric theory, was later accepted as scientific truth.

Evolution vs. Creationism. While some reject evolution, others see it as part of God’s plan.

Christianity and science approach life differently. Science explains mechanisms; faith provides meaning. Can they coexist? Absolutely—if you approach it with an open mind.
