Everyone knows that brushing and flossing are important conditions for good oral hygiene. But did you know that brushing or rinsing your mouth can actually kill the bacteria that keep your teeth healthy?
This may sound illogical, but it is true. The bacteria in your mouth are actually good for you in some ways. They help break them down and keep your teeth clean. However, the mouth also contains harmful bacteria that can cause tooth decay and gum disease.
When you brush or rinse your mouth, you remove both good and bad bacteria. This can disrupt the balance of bacteria in the mouth and increase the chance of developing teeth and gum problems.
So what to do?
The best way to take care of your teeth is to brush your teeth twice a day, but it's also important to be careful. Don't brush too hard or use a too hard toothbrush. You should also rinse your mouth with water after eating, but don't rinse your mouth too often, then this can also kill the good bacteria in your mouth.
In addition to brushing and flossing, there are many other things you can do to keep your teeth healthy:
Eat a healthy diet low in sugar and processed foods
Drink plenty of water.
Avoid smoking and drinking large amounts of alcohol.
Visit your dentist for regular checkups and cleanings.
Following these tips will help keep your teeth healthy and prevent future problems.
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