Pets Canada is calling on the government to include pets in national disaster adaptation strategies

The status of domestic animals during a disaster

Pets Canada urges government to include pets in emergency plan

As the world grapples with the growing impacts of climate change, natural disasters remain increasingly frequent and severe. These events pose a serious threat not only to human life, but also to the well-being of our pets. Pets, often left behind or unable to escape during emergencies, face a myriad of dangers, including injury, displacement, and even death.

Pets Canada, a national animal welfare organization, is raising awareness of the plight of pets during the disaster and calling on the government to take action. The organization is calling for policies to include domestic animals in national adaptation strategies, ensuring their safety and protection are considered in emergency preparedness and response.

Possibility of inclusive planning in case of natural disasters

Currently, many national disaster plans do not adequately address the needs of pets. This neglect makes animals vulnerable and can hinder effective emergency response. By including pets in emergency planning, the government can take steps to:

Provide animal-friendly escape routes and shelters

Develop emergency communication systems for pet owners

On the introduction of trainings for emergency response services for animal rescue and care

Raising public awareness of pet preparedness

Pet Protection Canada

Pets Canada is a leader in pet disaster planning. The organization has developed a comprehensive set of recommendations for governments and is working with policymakers at all levels to implement these measures.

In addition to your advocacy work, Pets Canada also provides resources and support to pet owners to help them prepare for and respond to disasters. These resources include information on creating pet kits, developing evacuation plans, and identifying animal shelters.

Protecting our companion animals

The inclusion of domestic animals in national adaptation strategies is not only a matter of animal welfare; it is also a matter of public safety. Pets are an integral part of our families and communities, and their well-being is essential to our own. By taking action to protect companion animals in times of disaster, we make our communities more resilient and ensure a safer future for all.

Pets Canada is calling on everyone to join the call for pet-friendly disaster planning. Contact your elected officials and urge them to support emergency pet protection policies. You can also learn more about Pets Canada's work and find resources to prepare your pets for a disaster by visiting their website at .

Together, we can make a difference in keeping companion animals safe during a disaster.
