Why is the ocean suffering from record heat? Oceanographers weigh in

Why is the ocean suffering from record heat?

The world's oceans absorb more than 90% of the excess heat from greenhouse gas emissions, and as a result, they are warming at an unprecedented rate. In fact, the last decade was the hottest on record for the oceans.

This ocean warming is having a devastating effect on marine life. Coral reefs, vital ecosystems that support a quarter of all marine life, are bleaching and dying at an alarming rate. Fish also migrate to cooler waters, and some species even become extinct.

Ocean warming also contributes to sea level rise. As the oceans warm, they expand, and this expansion causes sea levels to rise around the world. This puts coastal communities at risk of flooding and erosion.

What can be done to reverse ocean warming?

The most important thing we can do to address ocean warming is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This means switching to clean energy sources such as solar and wind power and increasing energy efficiency.

We can also help protect the oceans by reducing our reliance on plastic and other pollutants. We can also support sustainable fishing practices and protect marine habitats.

What do oceanographers say about ocean warming?

Oceanographers are deeply concerned about the consequences of ocean warming. They call for urgent action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect the oceans.

'Were causing our own misery for climate change' said Dr Sylvia Earle, famous oceanographer. "We need to act now to reduce our emissions and protect this vital ecosystem."

"Ocean warming is a serious threat to the planet," said Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, a climate scientist at the University of Texas at Austin. "We must take action now to address this problem."

Ocean warming is a serious problem, but it's not too late to take action. By reducing greenhouse gas emissions and protecting the oceans, we can help mitigate the effects of climate change and ensure a healthy future for our planet.
