How to teach a cat to love water: bathing and swimming

Cats are known for their aversion to water, and for good reason. Their fur is not waterproof and getting wet can make them feel cold and uncomfortable. Also, the feel of water on their skin can trigger their fight-or-flight response.

A black and white cat drinks water from the pool.

However, there are cats that are not against water and even take a bath with pleasure. If you have a cat that you would like to teach to love water, there are several things you can do.

Tips on how to teach a cat to love water

Start early. If you can, start introducing your cat to water as a kitten. Kittens adapt better than adult cats, and they accept new experiences faster.

Make it positive. Always associate water with a positive experience. This means that you cannot force the cat to enter the bath or spray it with water. Instead, let them explore the water on their own terms.

Go slowly. Don't try to do too much too soon. Start by simply letting your cat play in a shallow bowl of water. As they get comfortable with it, you can gradually increase the depth of the water.

Use warm water. Cold water can be a shock to cats, so use warm water whenever possible.

Be patient. It may take some time for your cat to get over its fear of water. Be patient and don't give up.

Bathing a cat

Once your cat is comfortable with water, you can start bathing her. Here are some tips:

Choose a quiet time when your cat is relaxed.

Before you start, prepare all the necessary materials. This will help shorten the bathing process as much as possible.

Use a mild shampoo specially formulated for cats.

Wet your cat's fur thoroughly, but do not allow water to get into the eyes or ears.

Shampoo the cat carefully, avoiding her face.

Rinse the cat thoroughly with clean water.

Wrap the cat in a towel and dry it as best as possible.

Swimming with a cat

If your cat has a good sense of water, you can take him swimming. Here are some tips:

Start in a shallow pool or lake.

Let your cat get used to the water before swimming with her.

Wear a life jacket for yourself and your cat.

Do not force the cat to swim. They will let you know when they are ready.

Let the swim be short and fun.

With patience and positive reinforcement, you can teach your cat to love water. Bathing and swimming can be a great way to bond with your cat and provide them with exercise. Just remember to take it slow and make it a positive experience for your feline friend.

Additional tips

Use a non-slip mat in the bath or shower to make your cat feel safer.

Talk to your cat in a soothing voice when you bathe or swim with it.

Offer the cat treats and praise when he makes progress.

Never force your cat to go into the water or punish it for being afraid of water.

By following these tips, you can help your cat overcome their fear of water and enjoy all the benefits it brings.
