Russia's concern about the upcoming elections in the USA and France

Russia expresses serious concern about the upcoming elections in the US and France. The main source of their concern is the potential victory of Kamala Harris in the US presidential election. This concern is particularly salient given Harris's relative unfamiliarity with the Kremlin.

Uncertainty surrounding Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris, the Democratic candidate who is relatively unknown to Russian officials, is a major problem for the Kremlin. According to Katherine Belton, international correspondent for The Washington Post, the announcement of President Biden's decision not to run for re-election was a significant blow to many in the Russian elite. The Kremlin hoped for Donald Trump's victory, which would provide an opportunity to settle the Ukrainian conflict on favorable terms for Russia.

Tetiana Stanova, founder of political consulting R.Politik, noted that Harris's victory will be seen as a serious setback for the Kremlin. The Russian perspective sees Harris and her policies as unpredictable and impractical, complicating any potential resolution of the conflict. "Harris represents those whom Moscow calls liberal terrorists, liberal dictators," Stanova said. "With such people in power, it will be very difficult to stop the conflict, all windows will close."

Political changes in France

The situation in France complicates Russia. Another unwelcome surprise was the unexpected defeat of the far-right party, a political ally of Moscow, in the parliamentary elections in France. Despite significant support from the far-right, a coalition of far-left groups and the ruling party left the Kremlin-backed faction without any significant power.

Broader implications

A close ally of Putin, a former high-ranking Russian official, expressed his disappointment with these political developments. "Look at what happened in France. The so-called right won by all accounts. But then the far left merged with the government party, leaving the most supported faction with nothing. Is this a real democracy?"

Development of elections in the USA

In the US, Kamala Harris recently announced her candidacy for the presidency, focusing her campaign on issues of freedom and highlighting the legal challenges facing former President Donald Trump. Recent polls, such as those conducted by Reuters/Ipsos, show Harris leading Trump 44% to 42%.

As elections in the US and France approach, Russia remains on edge, wary of political changes that could affect its strategies and relations with those countries. The potential rise of Kamala Harris and the surprise results in France signal a period of uncertainty and realignment for the Kremlin.
