Is Trump America's Putin? Political scientists evaluate the future of democracy in the USA

As the 2024 US presidential election approaches, a wave of uncertainty and anxiety has swept through the country. Donald Trump's potential return to the White House has sparked heated discussions among political scientists and citizens. Given Trump's controversial policies and rhetoric, some experts fear his re-election could spell the beginning of the end of American democracy - PBS , leading to a transition to a more authoritarian regime similar to Russia's under Vladimir Putin.

Is Trump the next American strongman?

Political scientists draw parallels between Trump and Putin, both leaders known for their populist appeal, nationalist rhetoric and disdain for traditional democratic norms. The previous Trump administration witnessed an unprecedented assault on democratic institutions, including the undermining of a free press, attacks on the judiciary, and incitement to political violence. These actions have led many to question whether Trump's leadership style matches that of an authoritarian ruler like Putin.

The end of American democracy?

The possibility of Trump's re-election has raised fears that the United States could witness a further erosion of democratic principles. The events surrounding the Capitol uprising on January 6 remain fresh in the minds of many, serving as a stark reminder of the fragility of democracy. Analysts warn that a second Trump term could embolden extremist groups, weaken the rule of law and create a political environment where dissent is not tolerated.

7 problems that Trump can create for Americans in case of re-election:

Eroding Democratic Institutions: Trump's continued attacks on the media, the judiciary, and the electoral system could weaken the very foundations of American democracy.

Polarization and division: Trump's divisive rhetoric could exacerbate existing social and political divisions, leading to increased civil unrest.

Undermining international alliances: Trump's "America First" policy could strain relations with key allies, weakening the US's global standing.

Economic Uncertainty: While Trump touts his economic achievements, his trade wars and inconsistent policies could create instability in the global market.

Environmental Rollback: Trump's abandonment of climate change and environmental protections could have long-term negative impacts on public health and the environment.

Health care instability: A second Trump term could lead to further attempts to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, leaving millions of Americans without health care.

Authoritarian shift: Consolidation of power and disregard for democratic norms could push the US closer to authoritarianism, similar to the political landscape in Russia.

The potential re-election of Donald Trump poses significant risks for the future of American democracy. As elections approach, it is imperative that voters carefully consider the long-term consequences of their choices. The United States is at a crossroads, and a decision made in 2024 could determine whether the country remains a beacon of democracy or shifts to a more authoritarian model.
