
Why dust storms have become more frequent

Solar mirror technology: a revolutionary energy source with the potential to change the course of human history

Unraveling Earth's Ancient Past: Deciphering the Secrets of the Oldest Ice

How climate change is affecting the workplace and what you can do about it

Climate change is choking deep ocean oxygen: How tides are saving the ocean

Europe in the Grip of Extreme Climate: Looking to 2023 and Beyond

COP28: Landmark agreement on nature and climate protection

Solar Energy: Can We Get Off Fossil Fuels?

California's Journey to Decarbonize Transportation: How Innovation Leads the Way

Ocean temperatures reach record highs: understanding causes and consequences

it is getting hotter in West Africa and what is being done about it

Rising CO2: Are We Really Feeding the Planet?

Why Emperor Penguins Jump Off Cliffs: Are They Endangered?

Is our oldest form of renewable energy still needed?

Assessment of environmental and climate results of the European Parliament: 2019-2024

Jellyfish are taking over the ocean: why it matters and what it means for the future

Rainforest destruction slowed slightly in 2023, but still a dire problem

Alternative energy sources: a key player in the UK's energy balance

Are we trading one environmental crisis for another? Impact of renewable energy production on primates

Seas and oceans: why the power of the ocean reaches far on land